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Your voice: the key to
your home

Bring along a friend who is constructing
or renovating their home and give
a present to each other!

Smart home special offer

Free voice control devices for
your smart home
Bring along a friend, submit your orders together and give each other a free smart home control unit!
If you both opt for the Chameleon, you can enjoy the limitless advantages of the voice control system of your choice: Google Home Mini, Amazon Echo Dot or Apple HomePod Mini.
Amazon Echo Dot
Google Home Mini
Apple Homepod Mini
Why use voice control?
A smart home offers the ultimate fun if you do not even need to press buttons to turn on the lights, lower the shutters or turn on the TV. Just imagine how nice it is when you only need to say the word and the system carries out your commands automatically. Voice control is not only cool but immensely practical, too.
Do you need more information on smart homes?
Our experts are happy to answer all your questions:

Your smart home consultant



Smart home consultant
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Wondering what options are being rejected in a smart home,
how to move in, and what package deals we have for you?
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